
Color-blindness is any abnormality of the color vision system that causes a person to see colors differently than most people, or to have difficulty distinguishing among certain colors (www.visionrx.com).Color-blindness is gender-based, with the majority of sufferers being males.Roughly 8% of white males have some form of colorblindness, while the incidence among white females is only 1%.A random sample of 20 white males and 40 white females was chosen.LetXbe the number of males (out of the 20) who are color-blind.LetYbe the number of females (out of the 40) who are color-blind.LetZbe the total number of color-blind individuals in the sample (males and females together).Which of the following is true about the random variables X, Y, and Z?X is binomial with n = 20 and p = .08.Y is binomial with n = 40 and p = .01.Z is not binomial.All of the above are true.Only (A) and (B) are true.What is the probability that exactly 2 of the 20 males are color-blind? (Note: Some answers are rounded.).08.2711.0143.5422.0159

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